Al Hattie Insurance

Disclaimer and Statement of Limitation

The information on this web site is intended to provide general information only on the various services, programs and insurance coverages offered by Al Hattie Insurance. Nothing in this web site is intended to provide legal advice or to be relied on as binding in any dispute, claim, action, demand or proceeding.

The full terms and conditions of the insurance coverages offered by SGI are set out in The Automobile Accident Insurance Act, The Automobile Accident Insurance (General) Regulations, The Automobile Accident Insurance (Injury) Regulations and The Personal Injury Benefit Regulations. In the event of any omission of information from this web site, or any contradiction or difference between anything on this web site and the Act, the Regulations or other applicable legislation, you must treat the Act or Regulation or other applicable legislation as the full and correct statement of your insurance coverage and your rights and obligations at law.

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Al Hattie Insurance