Happy 262 years of combined birthday ages in the office! In the next month we have 7 of 15 birthdays! The celebration month kicked off with Nicole, than Brent, Teralyn, Jason, Lee, and ending with Corinne & Susan on the same day!
Our office's Nicole Turk, cleverly made a cake for the back-to-back birthdays! She wanted to include all the birthdays on the one cake and came up with the idea of combining all the years to make the birthday candles! How so very sweet... in more than one way... as in the cake was delicious! The cake was a round layered cake with a blue frosting, topped with sprinkles. Inside was a purple frosting. I'm pretty sure a cheat day was a no-brainer for clean eaters, and left many wanting seconds,or even thirds. Thanks Nicole!!!
Our office is pretty awesome in the sense that we all work very hard, but play harder. It's so nice when the office employees take initiative to do kind things for one another, making our bonds that much stronger. Sharing and making memories together.
To top off the celebration of numerous back-to-back birthdays in our office, we also have a very special birthday. One that, without it, none of this would really make any correlation! This is the 36th birthday of the start of Al Hattie Insurance! On Feb. 1 Al Hattie Insurance will be celebrating another miraculous year of business! One that started only from a banker box of files that has grown to thousands. Come by to sign our book, a tradition that we have held for years & some coffee and donuts!
#262yearsold #officefun #yummmmm #AHI #happybirthdaytohalftheoffice