All SGI Canada Home Pak, Mobile Pak, Tenant Pak, Condominium Unit Owner's Pak, and Prestige insurance policies have automatically been updated to include SGI's new Legal Expense Insurance. This new coverage comes at no extra fee and is now standard on all previously listed SGI Canada policies. Having one of these SGI Canada policies now covers you for:
Automatic Coverage for Legal Costs:
You will be automatically covered for lawyers fees (and other legal costs), for the following:
- Contract Disputes - arising from you buying or selling goods or obtaining services.
- Property Protection - pursuing a claim if a neighbor damages your property or interferes with the use of your land.
Free Legal Advice Hotline 1-855-953-1430
You will also have access to a free telephone legal advice helpline. There are limits to which disputes your insurance will pay for, but no limits on free advice from a lawyer, about any legal subject under the sun. Just ask!
What else might you be covered for?
Depending on which insurance policy you have, your legal costs may be covered for the following:
- disputes with an employer relating to employment contracts and severance;
- pursuing a claim for damages following an accident which causes your injury or death;
- responding to a tax audit/appealing a Canada Revenue Agency decision for personal tax returns;
- defending criminal charges laid against you arising from your work as an employee; and
- disputes relating to your purchase, sale, lease, rental and service of an insured vehicle.
If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to call our office toll-free 1-888-450-2700 about this new coverage provided on SGI Canada policies.