We love sharing others reviews and experiences with our office, raw and unedited. These comments are the real deal and come directly from clients.
Thank you so much Justin for taking the time to express such kind words about our office and your experience with us over the years. We are PROUD to offer continuous customer service to your family and be able to grow alongside serving your families generations. It's an honour to have customers like your family to call our clients.
We wish you and your family "all the best", as Al Hattie would say, and to stay healthy as well!
- Al Hattie Insurance Family
There's nothing really funny about this cold weather but we can't totally knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine tenths of people couldn't start a conversation!
With the cold weather comes the natural human instinct to get warm. This could mean anything from firing up your wood stove or booking a holiday down south! Either or, this will bring you to want to make a quick stop to Al Hattie Insurance before.
1. If you have a wood stove, or are planning on installing one make sure you check with your broker, Al Hattie Insurance, beforehand to see if this will affect your home insurance policy and how. Wood stoves are ideal as a backup source of heat in that emergency situation where a power outage has occurred.
2. If you are amongst the many fortunate people to take off to warmer climates for holidays your first stop should be Al Hattie Insurance to purchase your Emergency Medical Travel Insurance. We carry a variety of carriers to meet all sorts of different client’s needs, and also to provide quotes from those companies, finding you the best rate so that you're not paying more than you need to be.
3. After your travel insurance needs are met, our one stop shop will also be able to provide you information on your home insurance policy and the specific requirements set out by your insurance company that you must meet to have coverage while you are away. Every company is different and ever changing so these are good things to routinely check up on so that you are up to date on the most recent requirements.
Hopefully these few points from Al Hattie Insurance can help keep the cold weather the only problem until we are all like "Winter who?".

We know there are many myths & truths of insurance floating around out there & we are here to try and help bring some clarity to the issue!
Travel Insurance Doesn't Pay Out!
Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. Insurance companies exist in order to help mitigate unforeseen and sudden events thus protecting the insured's financial well-being upon the occurrence of a specific event, specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium. In the case of one of our travel insurance providers, Allianz Global Assistance, they have an excellent track record in Canada, with exceptionally low claim denial rates. In 2015, AGA recorded a 92.5% payout rate. Clients are best encouraged to carefully read their travel insurance policy to understand the benefits, exclusions and limitations. When you have questions, WE are the reliable source and trusted expert to provide clarification. We also carry many providers to meet a wide variety of clients needs. To name the major carriers we have, Saskatchewan Blue Cross, Group Medical Services, & Allianz Global Assistance.

At Al Hattie Insurance, we do our best to ensure our customers are informed about their insurance. If you're traveling outside of the country, it is very important to take a minute to discuss with us the coverages, eligibility, exclusions and limitations that are specific to your travel insurance policy. Different travel insurance companies will have different wordings and nuances, so if you have had travel insurance before and are changing companies it is also important to discuss the differences between policies with one of our brokers. Having an understanding of your travel insurance will give you confidence and piece of mind for your time away from home. This THIA guide below is a perfect start to understanding your travel insurance. If you would like more information on the specific companies we offer, please do not hesitate to give us a call (1-888-450-2700) or stop by our office.

Are you taking a much deserved trip? Trying to beat the cold? Maybe it's just time to explore? Here's a handy traveler checklist from Travel.gc.ca:
- Carry a Canadian passport that is valid well beyond the date of your planned return to Canada; keep a copy of the identification page separate from the original.
- Leave copies of your passport identification page, itinerary and insurance policy with friends or family.
- Obtain any required visas well in advance.
- If traveling with children, carry documentation proving your right to accompany them (e.g. a consent letter or court order).
- Arrange for travel health insurance and take care of health needs, such as eyeglasses, prescriptions, vaccinations and medical certificates and supplies.
- Anticipate financial needs, such as local currency and departure tax.
- Check whether dual citizenship is an issue for you.
- Obtain an International Driving Permit, if required.
- Visit travel.gc.ca for essential Country Travel Advice, emergency contacts, a directory of Canadian embassies and consulates, safe-travel publications and information on traveling with children, living abroad and returning to Canada.
- Download their Travel Smart mobile app at travel.gc.ca/mobile for essential travel information on the go.
- Sign up for Registration of Canadians Abroad service at travel.gc.ca/register.
And our biggest tip: Travel Insurance is for everyone! Whether you're 25 or 75, make sure to inquire about what options are available to you before your departure to make sure your trip is one to remember.