Al Hattie Insurance

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Customer Reviews- 5 Stars

We love sharing others reviews and experiences with our office, raw and unedited. These comments are the real deal and come directly from clients.

Thank you so much Justin for taking the time to express such kind words about our office and your experience with us over the years. We are PROUD to offer continuous customer service to your family and be able to grow alongside serving your families generations. It's an honour to have customers like your family to call our clients.

We wish you and your family "all the best", as Al Hattie would say, and to stay healthy as well!

- Al Hattie Insurance Family

COVID-19 Update


**UPDATE** ⚠️

As Saskatchewan begins Phase 1 of the re-opening, we would first like to extend a very special Thank-you to ALL the ESSENTIAL WORKERS who kept up the battle these past two months for our beloved Sask community. ❤️

-The office has decided effective Tues, May 19, 2020 we will resume regular business hours. That being:

Monday - Friday 9-5 PM
Saturday 9-4 PM

-At this time, that is our first decision & we are in further discussions and planning to offer a safe environment to next open up the office to the public.

-We aim to offer many transactions over the PHONE, EMAIL, or through our MAIL SLOT.

-If we are closed, you may still utilize your MySGI account through our website at:

-To register for an account call our office during regular business hours- 306-955-2700

Fire Prevention Week!

We All Buy Insurance for That Unfathomable Chance That We May Have a House Fire.

In lieu of Fire Prevention Week which takes place this year from October 7th to 13th we wanted to share some handy tips with our clients to lessen the chances of that occurring:

                                               • Exposed wires are a fire hazard. It is recommended that a regular inspection of electrical 
                                                 cords takes place to check for any damage.

                                               • All flammables should be stored in a ULC approved metal fire cabinet. 

                                                It is recommended to not run electrical cords under rugs. This can cause damage to the                                                         cord and become a potential fire hazard.

                                               • Fire Code states that all portable fire extinguishers must be serviced and tagged on an                                                           annual basis by a licensed contractor. 

                                               • Need more outlets? Have a certified electrician install. Overloading outlets is a fire hazard. 

                                               • Cooking equipment that produces grease-laden vapors may be a source of ignition. It is                                                         recommended that all deep fryers be protected by a ULC or equivalent automatic                                                                     extinguishing system.

                                               • When replacing blown fuses, replace with proper rating. Call an electrician if circuit                                                                  breakers trip often

Does Shivering Count As Exercise?


There's nothing really funny about this cold weather but we can't totally knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine tenths of people couldn't start a conversation!

With the cold weather comes the natural human instinct to get warm. This could mean anything from firing up your wood stove or booking a holiday down south! Either or, this will bring you to want to make a quick stop to Al Hattie Insurance before.


                   1. If you have a wood stove, or are planning on installing one make sure you check with your broker, Al Hattie Insurance, beforehand to see if this will affect your home insurance policy and                         how. Wood stoves are ideal as a backup source of heat in that emergency situation where a power outage has occurred.

                   2. If you are amongst the many fortunate people to take off to warmer climates for holidays your first stop should be Al Hattie Insurance to purchase your Emergency Medical Travel                                       Insurance. We carry a variety of carriers to meet all sorts of different client’s needs, and also to provide quotes from those companies, finding you the best rate so that you're not paying                             more than you need to be.

                  3. After your travel insurance needs are met, our one stop shop will also be able to provide you information on your home insurance policy and the specific requirements set out by your                                insurance company that you must meet to have coverage while you are away. Every company is different and ever changing so these are good things to routinely check up on so that you                          are up to date on the most recent requirements.


Hopefully these few points from Al Hattie Insurance can help keep the cold weather the only problem until we are all like "Winter who?".


Insurance Truths Tuesday

We know there are many myths & truths of insurance floating around out there & we are here to try and help bring some clarity to the issue!




Having Great Credit Can Benefit Your Home Insurance Rates


The insurance companies (currently SGI Canada & Wawanesa Mutual) have designed this new method to try to give consumers another opportunity for discounting their home insurance rates.

We need two requirements to apply the discount:

1.      Express consent- For our client’s convenience, we are capable of accepting consent or withdrawal of credit score discounts verbally.

2.      The second type of information required is your legal full name and full date of birth, this information in most cases has already been obtained in the past for other insurance purposes.

Start saving more!

Lots of our customers have utilized this discount by taking those savings and purchasing additional coverage's such as, the newly introduced Flood Coverage. New this year to the personal homeowner’s line of insurance.

A little run down of how it works; once we have obtained your consent, the score is electronically requested from our credit score provider, depending on which insurance company you are with could either be TransUnion or Equifax. Credit score is then sent from the credit bureau through a secure data transmission channel and is automatically applied to the calculation of your premium. Your consent is kept and collected until or if you withdrawal that consent, and therefore annually the insurance company will access your credit score just before the renewal of your policy. We have been reassured by the insurance companies that this will not impact your credit rating.

To top off all this great news, Wawanesa Mutual has recently increased the credit score maximum possible discount, now allowing for an even greater discount.

*Your rates will not go up if you have an unfavorable credit score.


At Al Hattie Insurance, we take your privacy very seriously. Our clients privacy is an office practice we have taken very seriously before credit scoring even came into play. We cannot see and do not have access to your credit score information. That information is restricted to only limited employees of the insurance companies who only access it in order to do their job.

Some Tips to Improve your Credit Score:

v  Always pay your bills on time.

v  Try to pay your bills in full by the due date. If you aren’t able to, pay at least the minimum amount shown on your monthly statement

v  Try to pay down your debts as quickly as possible

v  Don’t go over the credit limit on your credit card. Try to keep the balance well below the limit, as the higher the balance the more impact it has on your credit score.

v  Reduce the number of credit applications you make.


v  Make sure you have a credit history. Your credit score may be low because you don’t have a record of owing money and paying it back. You can build a credit history by using a credit card as long as you use it