Rural Saskatchewan road
Collision with a locomotive at an uncontrolled railroad crossing
Total paid/reserved: $650,000. (Trailer: $50,000; Property damage to train: $600,000;
Loss of earnings/business interruption due to damage to train tracks and locomotive: undetermined)
In December, the insured was driving a load of wheat to a terminal. Distracted, he drove through an
uncontrolled rail crossing. An approaching train split the trailer in half. The insured’s package policy
protected him for $1 million of liability, which covered the loss.
Avoid financial ruin by carrying the appropriate insurance coverage; for a minor cost (an extra $30 in
this case), you can protect yourself from unnecessary loss.

Rural Saskatchewan highway
Head-on collision
Total loss: $2.5 million. (Truck and horse trailer: $250,000; Property damage – horses, truck and
trailer: $2.5 million)
A young son was driving his mother’s car on a rural Saskatchewan highway. He crossed the centre
line and collided with a semi-tractor trailer, causing the semi, trailer and cargo (competition horses)
to be deemed a total loss. The insured had basic plate coverage of $200,000 and $1 million liability
on the policy. Due to the special design of the trailer and its use, a large loss of use claim occurred.
As well, the horses were expensive animals and brought a large property damage claim of
$2.5 million. The insured was not covered for approximately $1.3 million of the claim.
Always carry the right amount of insurance for your protection – though basic plate insurance is
significant, it may be necessary to purchase more coverage to be fully protected from all losses. In
this case, for an additional $60, the total loss would have been covered.
Do you have lots of STUFF? Whether you are a tenant, condo owner or homeowner having a record of your belongings will always come in handy in the case of a claim. And they're also kind of fun to fill out!
Keeping an up to date record will help you stay organized in the case of a claim. Suffering any sort of loss to your dwelling can be an overwhelming experience, and having a list of the details of your belongings and their values makes going through the claims process much simpler and less stressful than having to recall everything off the top of your head. This list can also help you make sure your insurance coverages are enough to protect you in the case of a total loss.
You might even find this list handy for many other uses (maybe it will even spur a garage sale)!
You can print off a list of common household items and personal belongings here. We can even hang on to a copy in your file for you to make sure it is safe.

Do you have STUFF?

Did you know, your condominium building has insurance on the structure but no coverage for your belongings or any improvements that have been made to your unit? This is where Condo Insurance comes in. Whether you're living in the unit or renting it, Condo insurance is designed to provide you with that coverage your building lacks. Coverage for your belongings, for your renovations and upgrades, additional living expense, contingent coverage and building deductible assessment that keeps you protected if your building itself isn't adequately insured or the building deductible gets transferred to you. They all provide you with personal liability and can be upgraded to include several options, including:
- Increased Limits for property with specific amounts of protection, like jewelry or musical instruments
- Reduced Glass Breakage Deductible
- Sewer Backup
- Voluntary Firefighting coverage
- Watercraft coverage
- Seasonal Home coverage
- Rental Home coverage
You may be eligible for discounts if:
- claims free for over 3 years
- approved monitoring and security system
- fire resistive structure
- above third floor
- age and loyalty
- you choose a higher deductible
We ask that you take a moment to fill out a record of your belongings. You can print off an inventory worksheet to fill in values and year of purchase to most household items. Once you have a fairly complete list, add up the total replacement value plus an amount for restoration expense. This is what you will be wanting to base your coverage for under your contents. You can then contact us (1-888-450-2700), visit our office, or request a free quote online with this value we can discuss your options and what policy will best suit your needs and budget.
2015 looks to be another exciting and prosperous year across Saskatchewan. If you are a new business or maybe an existing business that would like a refresher or an update on their commercial insurance Al Hattie Insurance is here for you! Doing your research on what commercial insurance is best suited to your needs and understanding your coverages are a quick phone call away. Reach us during office hours to have any and all questions answered by one of our expertly trained and certified brokers toll free at 1-888-450-2700.

Commercial insurance can provide a wide array of coverages that in case of loss can be vital to your business and it's employee's. Tailored to suit your own needs, we can help you mold a flexible policy that will keep your business safe and sound. Most policies will ensure coverages against:
- Business interruption (loss of income, continuing expenses, and employee wages)
- Accounts receivable, builder's risk, contractor's equipment, and glass breakage
- Boiler, water heater and other machinery
- Liability claims: extension coverage can include personal and advertising injury liability, employer's liability, contingent employer's liability, tenant's legal liability, non-owned auto liability, non-owned aircraft liability
- Crime (employee dishonesty, theft of money or securities, burglary, robbery, forgery and counterfeit currency)
Let us wish all your business endeavours in 2015 great success, and please call us or stop in our office if you have any questions or concerns about your Commercial insurance policy!