Did you know, your condominium building has insurance on the structure but no coverage for your belongings or any improvements that have been made to your unit? This is where Condo Insurance comes in. Whether you're living in the unit or renting it, Condo insurance is designed to provide you with that coverage your building lacks. Coverage for your belongings, for your renovations and upgrades, additional living expense, contingent coverage and building deductible assessment that keeps you protected if your building itself isn't adequately insured or the building deductible gets transferred to you. They all provide you with personal liability and can be upgraded to include several options, including:
- Increased Limits for property with specific amounts of protection, like jewelry or musical instruments
- Reduced Glass Breakage Deductible
- Sewer Backup
- Voluntary Firefighting coverage
- Watercraft coverage
- Seasonal Home coverage
- Rental Home coverage
You may be eligible for discounts if:
- claims free for over 3 years
- approved monitoring and security system
- fire resistive structure
- above third floor
- age and loyalty
- you choose a higher deductible
We ask that you take a moment to fill out a record of your belongings. You can print off an inventory worksheet to fill in values and year of purchase to most household items. Once you have a fairly complete list, add up the total replacement value plus an amount for restoration expense. This is what you will be wanting to base your coverage for under your contents. You can then contact us (1-888-450-2700), visit our office, or request a free quote online with this value we can discuss your options and what policy will best suit your needs and budget.
All vehicles registered in Saskatchewan are required to be plated, which provides a high deductible and the most basic coverages and liability. But benefits provided by Auto Paks can make sure your family and your bank account is well protected in case of a serious accident. Here are some quick facts about Auto Paks:
- Make accidents affordable. Pick from a range of deductibles from $700 down to $50!
- Don't even pay the deductible! If you hit wildlife, or suffer damage due to fire, lightning or your vehicle is stolen your deductible is waived.
- Financial protection is provided through liability coverages ranging from $1 million to $5 million in the event of a law suit against you.
- Keep your family safe with coverage protecting from injury and loss equal to your liability amount (up to $2 million).
- Adding the Loss of Use coverage will keep you on the road after an accident, covering you for rental costs.
- It doesn't just cover your vehicle, but also extends to vehicles you have rented or borrowed.
- Buying Replacement or Repair cost coverage within 120 days of purchasing a new vehicle will allow you to preserve the value you paid for, fighting off depreciation.
- You can receive a discount for scheduling multiple vehicles on one policy.
Thinking an Auto Pak might be right for you? Get a free online quote!