We are extremely happy to announce we have made it halfway to Brooks' goal of $3000 for Breast and Prostate Cancer. He is aiming to raise $2000 for the C95 Radio Marathon for Breast Cancer in October and $1000 for Prostate Cancer in 'Movember' and we have been working to collect donations on his behalf. We want to take a minute to thank everyone who has already donated at our office. We have cleared our big bulletin wall (finally...) to post donator's signatures and well wishes.
We are going to continue to help Brooks raise money meet his goals so he will cut his hair in October 18th and beard after 'Movember'. We can take cash, debit and credit donations in our office and online through bank transfers with the code CANC02. This is a cause that is dear to our heart as Brooks has been growing his hair and beard to raise this money since our family member Dylan Nahorniak passed away in a vehicle accident in September 2010. Hopefully you can help us raise money for Brooks!
Fall is quickly approaching, and while hopefully everyone has had their fair share of summer it is time to start thinking about your seasonal homes and vehicles and a few tips that can save you money this fall on your insurance and ensure you're properly covered through the winter. Motorcycles, trailers, and summer cars are examples of seasonal vehicles that you may have going into storage soon, and it's important to have proper coverage and how to avoid unnecessary fees. Make sure seasonal vehicles are a part of an auto policy before cancelling plates to ensure you get better rates and proper coverage while in storage. Vehicles must be added to an auto policy to ensure coverage while in storage and you will save money by receiving a substantially better rate when cancelling plates. In the case of motorcycles, cancelling your plates after the vehicle has been added to an auto policy allows you to pay an often smaller flat rate while cancelling them without being added to an auto policy results in a fee based on dollar value of the motorcycle. It's important to note that your home policies do not cover these vehicles.
Please feel free to phone us (1-888-450-2700) or stop by our office to check that other seasonal property like boats or ATVs are properly covered and that your seasonal home coverage is correctly valued throughout the winter. Further information and clarifications can be found here.