Al Hattie Insurance

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New Improved 'Cargo Secure' Coverage

This summer SGI Canada introduced a revamped approach to cargo insurance called 'Cargo Secure'. This new package was designed to add more coverage, innovative new features and preferred rates. It was also designed with simplicity in mind, removing much of the fine print.

"In developing Cargo Secure, SGI Canada wanted to rethink cargo insurance coverage from the ground up. Most cargo Insurance policies were developed decades ago around the idea of insuring only the minimum requirement of the law, and had very little to do with addressing the needs of the trucking industry."

To further address the needs of the trucking industry SGI Canada has included the following as part of their standard coverage with Cargo Secure:

- All-risks coverage
- Blanket all vehicles
- Blanket all commodities
- Loading and unloading
- $100,000 30-day warehouse (owned or non-owned locations)
- Erecting, dismantling or installing (in conjunction with In Transit)
- Goods of others
- Owned goods
- $5,000 per loss / $25,000 annually for contractual penalties
- $25,000 debris removal (in addition to what is already provided)
- Defense costs
- $25,000 freight charges
- Liberalization clause
- Cross liability clause
- $5,000 theft or hijacking reward
- Enhanced valuation clause (actual cash value)
- Enhanced definition of In Transit
- Mechanical breakdown coverage
- $25,000 alcohol and tobacco limit
- $25,000 livestock limit
- $25,000 painting, statuary and fine arts limit
- $25,000 tarps, chains, straps and onboard electronics limit
- Goods In Transit includes by land as well as regularly scheduled airlines, rail car, ferry or  transfer barge

For more details on Cargo Secure don't hesitate to call our office at 800-450-2700. For an online quote please download and fill out the  Motor Truck Cargo Questionnaire.pdf (870.58 kb) and email it to us at